When you need to get your taxes filed, you should consider hiring an accountant. This allows you to have the taxes filed for you, while the accountant does it effectively and gets you the biggest tax return possible. Here are some documents your accountant will need when filing the taxes.
Tax and Payroll Documents
The first main type of document you need to bring to your accountant is anything relating to the income you received during the year.
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Do You Need an Accountant or Financial Planner?
Having someone with expertise manage your finances can mean seeing your money grow and taking advantage of all potential tax breaks and investment opportunities. Typically, there are two types of financial experts you might hire for yourself, an accountant or a financial planner. How do you know which one you need and how are they different? Note the following.
1. Past versus the future
One main difference between an accountant and a financial planner is that an accountant is typically concerned about the past whereas a financial planner is concerned about the future.
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When Does Your Company Need an Audit?
It may not be necessary to have a company's accounting system audited every single year, but as a business owner, you want to take advantage of this service as often as you deem necessary. It's good to find accounting errors as soon as they arise and to ensure you know if your money is being spent properly; an audit can also better prepare you for making certain business decisions. Note when your company may need an audit by a company like Boyd & Associates and why.
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Accountant Services For First Timers
If you've never had the chance to hire an accountant, but find that you need one now, you are probably aware that accountants can file your taxes. But there are other services that these professionals can provide you that can help ease your financial burden when it comes to taxable income, as well as services that can protect you in the event of an audit. Here are some of the things accountants can do on your behalf.
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